
What is a "Cryptoparty"?


1 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Cryptoparty isn't really a "party" at all, it's actually more of a "global initiative" where people meet up to share knowledge and tools to do with encrypting code and internet privacy.

As well as being a big movement on the hacker, pirates and the "hacktavist" scene - the movement has also been really vital to many of the popular revolutions that have taken place in Egypt, Syria and other parts of the Middle East.

In countries where government espionage is commonplace, crypto-culture is scene as the last bastion of free-speech.

With the recent revelations regarding the NSA's activity and the way US agencies monitor the internet, Cryptoparties will only increase in popularity and relevance.

Despite ties with the social movements mentioned above, the ethos of Cryptoparty states quite clearly that it is not affiliated with any political or commercial entities.

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