
What Does Eclipse Mean, In Context Of Lunar Eclipse?


3 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Eclipse is the passing of the part of a celestial body or its entirety, into the shadow of another. There are two major types of eclipses when seen from the earth-the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse. Both involve the moon and the sun. In the solar eclipse, the moon comes between the sun and the earth. In the lunar eclipse, the earth comes between the sun and the moon, hiding the sun from the moon's point of view. Lunar eclipses are usually seen during the full moon. During the full moon phase, the earth is between the sun and moon.

There are two types of lunar eclipses: penumbral lunar eclipse and total penumbral eclipse. In a penumbral lunar eclipse, the moon travels through the penumbra, the outer portion of the shadow of the earth. In the total penumbral eclipse or the total lunar eclipse, the moon passes through the earth's umbra, the dark inner part of the shadow. If only a part of the moon passes through the umbra, it is termed as a partial lunar eclipse. Usually, lunar eclipses happen twice in most years. A total lunar eclipse recently took place on March 3, 2007 at 23:22(UT)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A lunar eclipse is when the earth blocks the moon's light. It is when the moon goes into the earth's shadow and blocks light from the sun. Although the moon is not completely dark because the earth's atmosphere will reflect some light to the moon which will make it a dull red. A lunar eclipse can be partial or full. Full is when it is in the umbra. Read more at Hope this helps!
sadman hoque Profile
sadman hoque answered
Eclipse:obscuring of light from one heavenly body by another

a lunar eclipse is when the earth stands between the moon and the sun its just like a solar eclipse, the moon and earth simply switch places

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