
What Is The Differentiate Of Theory And Law?


3 Answers

Alex Wheeler Profile
Alex Wheeler answered
This question regards theories and laws in physics - the branch of science devoted to studying the physical world and how it works. Physics looks at everything that makes up our world, from rock formation to gravitational force, and tries to find a way to explain natural phenomena in hopes to increase knowledge, and aid technological advances that will better the human race.

Theory and law in physics can be separated by one main difference: Absolute proof. The way that when we throw a ball in the air, it will be brought back down by gravity, is an example of the laws of physics in action.

  • Have been proven
  • Have 100% reliability - that is they work first time, every time
  • Are absolute fact
  • Are obvious to see and cannot be denied or questioned
Theories are described as 'advanced hypotheses'. Theories are usually based on hypotheses that have been tested numerous times, and each test has finished with the same result. A hypothesis may progress to become a theory once it seems fairly clear that it is true, but a theory can never become a law. If the theory had been completely obvious and easily demonstrated, it would have been a law to begin with.

  • Are proven hypotheses
  • Are not obvious or readily demonstrable
  • Cannot become laws
  • Are notions which seem true and have been shown to be so, but are not absolutely correct.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Differentiate Law from Theory

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