
I Keep Feeling Someone Tap Me On My Right Shoulder. What Does This Mean?


14 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If it is your right shoulder, your guardian angel is trying to get your attention. Try to meditate and see if you can communicate on some level.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It could be you have a poltergeist following you around. However, they usually like to hang around with teens a lot because they give off the most mental energy for he ghost. Or maybe someone that knows you is just letting you know they are there!
Jenna Profile
Jenna answered
Who knows!!! You could have something injured  or  it could be a ghost trying to get you to see, feel, or hear it say what it needs. Many thing can be happening in the ghost world and if there is one ghost that is interested with people like you, you may just want to pay a little more intention that what you have been. No one know for sure if it keeps happened  g to a doctor just to see if something is wrong if nothing in wrong start asking question to the ghost to find out more! 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One of your family members or friends that have passed away might be trying to contact you from beyond the grave.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Almost 2 weeks ago I felt a repeated tapping on my left shoulder. I looked over and no one was there or near me at all. The person I was talking to swore no one was tapping me to get my attention. Several nights later I was in bed asleep and awoke because I felt tapping on the top of my left foot. Finally today I went to strike a match, I had been thinking of the mysterious "tapping" I have experienced. I held the match to the matchbook, not touching it and it just lit. Now I know how to strike a match... My hand didn't move. I froze and dropped the match on the floor. Since the first tapping my dreams have been on overdrive, every night. Not sure whats going on but as of right now I really feel that something or someone is trying to contact me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most likely a loved one or spirit who is trying to tell you something.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned around to see who it was, it was the world!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I felt a tap, three times, on my LEFT shoulder while dining (and it wasn't a waiter) at Plimoth Plantation. Any idea what the left shoulder might mean?
John Profile
John answered
I think you need to see a doctor sounds like you have injured your shoulder. I use to get the same feeling in my shoulder when I overworked my back and shoulder.     
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Or...maybe (and more likely) you have a nerve twitch in your shoulder...
Or...its someone doing that thing where they are stood the other side of you and tap you on the other shoulder and you turn to that direction and there's no one there...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The tap on my right shoulder was as if used as a thump with second finger? I don't mind the company just talk to me or send me a sign. If you can see me then you can read this e-mail. Hurry back friend.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
It could most likely be that you have someone that passed and you were close to that person. They are most likely just popping in to say hello to you and that they are o.k. If you want it to stop, next time this happens, ask them to please stop. Hope this helps, good luck.
Vijaya Srivastava Profile
I think that you should stop watching horor clips and movies and really you have gone in the depth of the movies which make you imagine that you're in the same situation facing the same cicumstances.That really seams to be like dramatic because there no creatures like ghosts ,they all are humors and superstitions.

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