
What Does Legal Implications Mean?


4 Answers

Luke Wilcox Profile
Luke Wilcox answered
Legal implications are the consequences of being involved in something, as determined by the law. The definition of legal is relating to, or according to, law.  Implication is being involved, entangled or implied.

An example is the legal implications of marriage, which is a binding contract. The couple are bound to each other under law. Their assets are considered to be joint assets or liabilities. This includes things like bank accounts, savings, property, debts, inheritances and pension funds. If a couple lives together rather than marries, there are no legal implications as there is no involvement according to law.

Another example is the legal implications of abortion. The law in the UK makes it legal to have an abortion during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, as long as certain criteria are met. The law states that two doctors must agree that an abortion would cause less damage to a woman's physical or mental health than continuing with the pregnancy, and that abortions must be carried out in a hospital or a specialised licensed clinic. When entering into an abortion, a woman has to be aware of the legal implications.

Legal implications can be positive or negative. For example, the potential legal implications of drink driving are being arrested, fined and banned. A positive example of legal implications is applying for a job and being discriminated against on grounds such as sex, age or race. This is illegal and you could enter into action against the employer.
Luis Mier Profile
Luis Mier answered

Legal implications simply means the consequences or results of being involved in something as determined by law.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

what action do i use if an employee uses the company van for their own personal use??

Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
It means that you can have issues legally  with entities such as the Federal, State, Local and Civil Courts or all of them! You are responsible for what you do.

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