Hereditary factors are said to contribute to personality development as a result of the way in which people interact with the particular social environments in which they reside.
Notable theories on personality development that you might be interested in learning more about include:
• Jean Piaget's Stages of Development
• Erik Erikson's 'Stages of Psychosocial Development'
• Sigmund Freud's theories about the interaction of id, ego and super ego
• Katharine Cook Briggs' and Isabel Briggs Myers' personalities typology tests
• Carl Jung's school of Analytical Psychology
By contrast, public relations is not an inherent amalgamation of personality. Instead it can be viewed as an art or social science that is mainly concerned with enhancing and maintaining the image of a business, organization, event or individual (for instance politicians and celebrities) amongst the public.
In the modern day, public relations is a multi-million dollar industry. In the United States alone there are around 21,000 people employed in the public relations (PR) sector.
Public relations is used in order to build a rapport with employees, investors, customers, voters or members of the general public. Any individual or organization that has a stake in the way in which it is portrayed in public will mostly likely employ some kind of public relations strategy in order to help them be looked upon as favorably as possible in public.