You have actually already have to correct spelling of superior; so you already know.
Here are a few fun facts about the word 'superior'.
Adverb: Superiorly
'He will only help us when it makes him feel more superior.'
'Report to the superior officer immediately!'
'The verdict was subsequently reversed by the superior court.'
Antonyms (opposite meanings): Humble, modest, lowly, unpretentious.
Here are a few fun facts about the word 'superior'.
- Origin of the word 'superior'
- Noun; Adjective; Adverb usage
- Adjective: (when it is followed by 'to') - greater in quantity, quality etc.; of high merit or worth; higher in status or rank; displaying a sense of being better or above than others; not influenced (by) or susceptible (to); put higher up; anatomy (of a certain part in relation to other parts) situated higher or above; serenely or courageously indifferent; more comprehensive ( a genus will be more superior to the species).
Adverb: Superiorly
- Examples of the word 'superior'
'He will only help us when it makes him feel more superior.'
'Report to the superior officer immediately!'
'The verdict was subsequently reversed by the superior court.'
- Synonyms and Antonyms
Antonyms (opposite meanings): Humble, modest, lowly, unpretentious.