
What Does Integrated Mean?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Integrate verb. -grated, -grating, -grates.
1. To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify. 2a. To join something else; unite. B. To make part of a larger unit "integrated the new procedures into the work routine". 3. To open to people of all races or ethnic groups without restriction; desegregate. 4. Mathematics. A. To calculate the integral of. B. To perform integration on. 5. Psychology. To bring about the integration of (personality traits). [From Middle English, intact, from Latin integrator, past participle of integrare, to make whole, from integer, complete.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
Integrated is a popular computer buzzword that refers to two or more components merged together into a single system. For example, any software product that performs more than one task can be described as integrated.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Margaret St John Profile
Look it up in Merriam Webster dictionary, but to short Fraze it, it means mix or blend together. Sorry I didn't read the whole question.
Xiaokang Song Profile
Xiaokang Song answered
It means forming, make  CMOS chip integration circuit,when it comes to computers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its means work rogether.
Means connectivity b/w to objects
to share information or data resource together.

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