Vanessa is a girl name with Greek Origin which means "a butterfly"
Vanessa, is also my name and it means butterfly in Greek and Star in Hebrew.
Vanessa means butterfly and star
Vanessa means butterfly it is a French name.
Its a butterfly
The name Vanessa is a purely girl’s name and it is of English origin. The name is not a very old one as it was coined by the writer Jonathan Swift in the 18th century for his book “Gulliver’s travels”, so we can say it is a literary name. The name Vanessa is also the name given to a group of butterflies. Jonathan Swift just coined the name but he did not give a meaning to it, so the commonly accepted meaning of the name Vanessa is “butterfly”.
Well the Greek meaning of your name is- Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the mystic goddess of an ancient Greek brotherhood.
And the Latin meaning is-Of Venus. Famous Bearers: British actress Vanessa Redgrave. Romance author Vanessa Grant.
And the Latin meaning is-Of Venus. Famous Bearers: British actress Vanessa Redgrave. Romance author Vanessa Grant.
Means Yeah,,My Sister name is Vanessa .And it Means big head for her.But ,it actully means (Butter-FLY)
Vanessa means (I've just looked it up on "butterfly with big feelers
and brown hair"
and brown hair"
Your name means butterfly in Hebrew
Vanessa means "butterfly" because my cousin's name is vanessa
The name Venessa originates from a character created by Jonathan Swift in his novel novel 'Gulliver's Travels' in the early 18th century.
Vanessa mean's butterfly
Sweet pie