
What Does 'Dog Days' Mean, And Where Did The Expression Come From?


2 Answers

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Dog Days are the hottest most humid days of the year. They are a phenomenon specific to the northern hemisphere and usually occur between the months of July and September. The actual days vary from region to region depending on latitude and climate.

The Dog Days get there name because during this time the star Sirius (also know as the Dog Star), which is the brightest star seen from Earth, rises from the Sun after being lost in it's glare during the spring and early summer. The term itself was coined by the ancient Romans, who referred to these days as "caniculares dies" (days of the dogs), after the constellation Canis Major, of which Sirius is a part of. As these days coincided with the time when Sirius was visible they believed that Sirius was increasing the heat.

Dog days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant.

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