
What Does It Mean If You Have A Big Chin?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You are jay Leno.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Family genes are strong, and that is a major factor in what you look like, even though one side of the family doesn't have that trait, it might be that the other side of the family does. If you happen to have one, no one to blame but mom and dad. Sorry.
John Profile
John answered
Your of italian heritage,you have had implants,this is the part of your face your mom grabbed to lead you around the store,instead of sleeping on the side of you face you slept with your chin sticking imitated the (rodin's)thinker a lot really a slept in class a lot with your hand under your chin.....your catholic nun teacher use to smacka you face when you talked back in class and the swelling has not gone down yet...
thanked the writer.
Jacquelyn Mathis
Jacquelyn Mathis commented
Oh my goodness Nomad1 why did you stop!!! I am on the floor here!!! ^_^
John commented
Oh! I forgot one and your related to jay leno...oh! One more when you were little you were so cute your aunts and any woman that saw you would pinch your chin...
Robert Saurez Profile
Robert Saurez answered

People like what is inside the person who has the chin, big or small. If you are a good person inside, people will like you no matter what you look like on the outside.But if there are double chin then I suggest you that How to get rid of double chin? There are plenty of home remedies that helps you to lose face fat and double chin remedies.

Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
You spend a lot of time looking over someone else's shoulder. You spend a lot of time eating in bed.

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