Naeem Sheeraz
Naeem Sheeraz answered question
There is not a "const * char". It won't compile. I guess what you meant is "char * const", versus "const char *". They are completely different. char * const p1; declares a constant pointer through which you can have both read and write access to a char. But the pointer itself is a constant … Read more
Naeem Sheeraz
Naeem Sheeraz answered question
SQL & Schema SQL-Schema Statements provide maintenance of catalog objects for a schema -- tables, views and privileges. This subset of SQL is also called the Data Definition Language (DDL), Data manipulation language (DML) and Data Control Language (DCL). A relational database contains a catalog that describes the various elements in the system. The catalog … Read more
Naeem Sheeraz
Naeem Sheeraz answered question
There are lots of ways to select first desired record or row from a database table. Here are some example SQL statements That doesn't require additional application logic, but each database server requires different SQL syntax. SELECT ROWNUM,column1,column2,column3 FROM table_name WHERE ROWNUM
Naeem Sheeraz
Naeem Sheeraz answered question
It can be build on a single column or on multiple column. when creating index on single column called as single column index and creating on more than column called as composite column index. (there is not any avail term such as unique or composite index, only can be define in constraints, unique identified as … Read more