Dena Beech
Dena Beech answered vanessa hot's question
Don't have sex with him to make him happy, theres so many emotions that get involved once you've leaped that fence. If he breaks up with you after you tell him, its his loss not yours. If you sleep with him whose to say he still wouldnt break up with you. Once your virginity is … Read more
Dena Beech
Dena Beech answered Alexandria Quinn's question
Some guys do and some don't. How did he react when you were crying? If he didnt react then seeing you cry probably raised his ego. Never let a guy see you cry, [other then guys in your family]  then you're showing how vulnerable you are.
Dena Beech
Dena Beech answered Anonymous' question
He's being mean b/c he's showing off to his friends, to make himself look better. Depending how long you were with him it could take time for him to be friends. I dated a guy in h/s for 3 yrs we broke up I tried being friends he couldn't it finally took him about 3-6 … Read more
Dena Beech
Dena Beech answered Anonymous' question
If you don't want to neuter your dog simply get wee wee pads they come in different sizes. There is a sent on the pads that only dogs could smell so they know to go there. Try that and see how it works. And yes clean the carpets and the walls there could have numerous … Read more