Arthur Craig
Arthur Craig answered question
Depends where the odor is coming from. Could be body cooling its self. Then again could be sign of sickness present either internally or externally...  Probably would be a good idea to seek some soap and clean water.
Arthur Craig
Arthur Craig answered question
Depends on who we are talking about!  If its personal - we should be extremely worried, SUGGESTs INDIVIDUAL haS no discipline when it comes to PERSONAL spending habits.  If we are talking national treasury,  well... WE should ALL be concerned - depreciating currency - inflation - lost credibility - HIGH COSTs OF DOING BUSINESS.  We should be "EXTREMELY WORRIED!"  As … Read more
Arthur Craig
Arthur Craig answered question
Depends on the maturity level of the teenager...   With some rationalization has been effective, while others require consequences to get their attention, yet some need strict discipline....  There honestly are no simple solutions if you truly care about their development and well being!
Arthur Craig
Arthur Craig answered
Definition Divided based on another value, usually a unit of time. Common examples of things that are prorated are rent or utility bills, which are reduced based on the amount of time you have lived in the house. If you start living in a residence mid-month, your bills are usually prorated to take into account … Read more
Arthur Craig
Arthur Craig answered
Depends on the offense and sentence imposed by the court.  Parole can in some cases come in an release an inmate provided their criminal history is not that bad.  Still have to serve the time, however will be serving it on parole - member of society!  Most important is to learn from the experience and modify behavior or … Read more
Arthur Craig
Arthur Craig answered
Sounds like air escaping . When adding coolant to your vehicle you should turn your heater on to high and keep the engine running while filling to the appropriate level. Allow excess coolant to escape via the overflow hose, That should take care of your gurgling sound. If it continues take it to a mechanic … Read more