Beta Male
Beta Male answered question
That's just "folk wisdom". There are no "bad boys". The whole concept is flawed? What do you mean by "bad"? How "bad"?Otherwise, there should be some studies showing that criminals are more attractive to women than other men with similar physical attractiveness and financial status. explains is precisely
Beta Male
Beta Male answered question
The difference is that "flirting" exists (2 people who like each other mingle), while no scientific research has ever confirmed the core idea of seduction - the idea we can "create" sexual attraction. All studies show sexual attraction is about genes not skills. But don't confuse genes with beauty. Sometimes an ugly man can have … Read more
Beta Male
Beta Male answered question
Sorry, but there is no such thing as seduction. Read all articles on and you will understand why it's all fake. It's all in those guys heads. It works just like horoscopes. People think they saw smth cause they were concentrated on it. For instance:- someone read in a horoscope that a good thing … Read more
Beta Male
Beta Male answered
No one can answer you this question, because there is no such thing as seduction. If you saw a man conquering a woman, how do you know she wasn't attracted to him before he opened his mouth? It's just a myth. No scientific research has ever confirmed that people are able to "create" sexual attraction. … Read more