What Is Trust?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Trust is a disposition in an individual towards other individuals. It determines how much you find another person's behavior predictable, in a positive sense. For example, when someone asks you if you lend them some money, trust means you think you are able to predict that they give it back to you in the future. If you don't trust them, it means you predict that they won't.

Thus, in a broader sense, you can also trust a machine, for example your car. If you trust your car, it means you predict that it will take you from A to B without a breakdown. If you don't trust it, you predict there will be some failure.

So, trust is all about predictions about the future.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Trust is a highly subjective term, but can be generally understood as a bond between two people, wherein they learn to share information and to depend on each other. It requires an equal amount of confidence between two people, or a group of people, either to share secrets, to share responsibilities or to be allowed to borrow personal property. The level of trust can vary from person to person. A married couple are expected to have a high level of trust in each other, while two people who have recently met in the workplace may be expected to have an initial trust, but would not expect to endow that other person with responsibility or secrets. Breaking a person's trust can often lead to negative consequences, and it is common for trust to be misplaced, and for that trust to be let down by another. Despite this, learning to take the confidence to trust others is important in developing a strong social role.

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