What Are The Advantages Of Team-Work?


14 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
There are many advantages to team-work, and one of the obvious benefits is the chance to become more productive. For example, if you are in a team that is selling and producing cakes, you may find that you are better at finding customers than you are at baking.

If you were to work independently, you could find that it would take you 60 minutes to find a customer, and to make them something to eat, because you find cookery difficult.

However, by adding another person to your team, you could find 10 customers and your colleague could bake 10 cakes in the same hour, meaning that you make more money and allocate your time more efficiently.

By being good at team-work, you soon develop important skills that will stay with you in the future. One of the most important qualities to have, when collaborating with others, is the ability to communicate.

If you are leading a group of people, you need to explain to your team members precisely what you need them to do, in addition to listening to the questions and concerns they have. By taking action on the feedback they give, and through explaining your decisions back to them, you will create a trusting relationship which further develops the opportunity for success.

Team-work also allows you to make friends and enjoy a better social experience when studying and working. Because everyone also has their own individual talents, it will allow you to do something far better than you could before.

Everybody has an aim to achieve a goal more efficiently than they could before, and finding other enthusiastic individuals to liaise with is the first step to bettering yourself.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Some of the advantages of team-work are:
  • A combination of strengths - especially if the team has been chosen carefully, you can get a good range of abilities, fields of expertise and personality types, so for every situation there should be at least one person who can deal with it.
  • A range of opinions - if "two heads are better than one," six can be better still - a group meeting is often very useful for ironing out flaws in a plan, testing it out, spotting pitfalls etc. (though if your team is too big, it can be difficult to reach decisions.)
  • Divided responsibility - while ultimate responsibilty rests with the team leader, not much can be achieved without an effective team. The team structure allows those who have strengths in a particular area to take more responsibility for that area.
  • Team spirit - a good team, well-led, creates loyalty in its members. Not wanting to let your team-mates down can be a powerful motivating force, as can the sense of pride in being part of a successful group. A little rivalry between the team members is also quite healthy, as long as it doesn't get out of hand.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Allows you to learn from other people, share ideas and motivate each other.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Motivation. Sense of belonging. Share ideas, different skills.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Good communication, better results.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The importance of teamwork is vital for a steady business. Without it, jobs and communication are ineffective.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No one police officer can deal with all the different aspects of enforcing the law, so having specialist teams that can work together, or independently, helps solve this problem.

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