"If you go out make sure that you wear clean underwear...." Where did this saying originate?


5 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

That's part of the "mom code of ethics".
Don't crack your knuckles...
Never sit on a boys lap.
You'll get hemorrhoids if you sit on cold concrete.
Keep it up and you'll go blind.
Your face will stay that way...

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Ancient One
Ancient One commented
Moms are great. Regardless the generation, regardless the nationality, regardless the age language they all say the same things over and over.
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
I know Ancient One. There must be a secret school for moms, to learn all of this stuff.
dragonfly forty-six Profile

Well I do know that thought has been around for a long time. Probably was an old wives tale to begin with. Hygiene in general was bad for a huge chunk of history. There was probably a false correlation between certain ailments and dirty underwear.

Funny story. My mom in law was on the bus one morning on her way to school. She was in high school. She saw her mother chasing after the bus erratically. Honking her horn waving at the bus to pull over. The bus driver did, her mother pulled right up to the bus door which the bus driver thought was some kind of emergency. She marched on that bus and in front of a whole busload of her peers her mother asked her if she remembered to wear clean underwear. My mom in law is 73, her face still colors at the memory.

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

A leaflet on personal hygiene, maybe?

Not Online Anymore Profile

Paramedics. If you get into an accident and your clothes have to get cut off you dont want the EMS crew looking at your dirty undies!

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

When my mom told me that, because I might be in an accident, I told her it would not matter because they would be dirty anyway if I was in an accident.

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