My ex-wife's screechy voice on a loop would drive me insane.
Kids, whining kids.
Someone chewing something really obnoxiously... *shivers*
The severe weather alert .....eeek eeek eeek on the TV.
Justin Bieber oh the humanity
Canned laughter. A constant loop of that would make me nuts. When recording it why did they have one extremely loud weird laugher? I know you know what I'm talking about...
The sound of a person -- most often a young girl -- giggling when they don't understand what you've just said to them.
The sound that indicates that a loud, high-pitched, boring talkaholic is gearing up for a long, narcissistic session.
The sound of tennis shoes speaking on linoleum. Screeeeeeeam!!!
My pet bird's mating sound to attract other bird it's really annoying .