Irrigation can be defined as an artificial or man made provision of water that is made for sustaining agricultural crops and growing plants. Irrigation has two meanings though, besides being a term used to refer to the supplying of water to dry land by way off ditches etc it also refers to a medical term that involves the cleaning of body organs or wounds by washing them with a medical solution or water.
Irrigation can be traced back to the 6th Millennium BC being conducted in the region of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Traditionally irrigation was carried out only through the use of ditches that were attached next to some water source namely a river or a canal etc. Irrigation is now carried out in a number of ways including drip where porous pipes allow drops of water to soak the ground and the sprinkler system.
Irrigation can be traced back to the 6th Millennium BC being conducted in the region of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Traditionally irrigation was carried out only through the use of ditches that were attached next to some water source namely a river or a canal etc. Irrigation is now carried out in a number of ways including drip where porous pipes allow drops of water to soak the ground and the sprinkler system.