The word fossil could be used as a noun or an adjective. Fossil originates from Latin and it stems from the word 'fossilis'. The word 'fossilis' means dug up. 'fossillis' was obtained from the word fossus which is a past participle of the verb 'fodere'. 'fodere' means to dig. Fossil is considered as a left over or remnant of any organism belonging to a past geologic age. Thus, a fossil can be a skeleton of human ancestors or even a leaf imprint. Fossil are generally found embedded or pressed in the layers of earth's crust.
An obsolete, outdated or antiquated theory is also considered as fossil because it is old and no more in use. Fossil is also a word that is used in particular restricted context. For example, the word 'kempt' is used as unkempt otherwise it is not used as kempt. The archaic syntactic style or pattern observed only in idioms is also called fossil. For example: so is it.
An obsolete, outdated or antiquated theory is also considered as fossil because it is old and no more in use. Fossil is also a word that is used in particular restricted context. For example, the word 'kempt' is used as unkempt otherwise it is not used as kempt. The archaic syntactic style or pattern observed only in idioms is also called fossil. For example: so is it.