What Does Diverse Mean?


9 Answers

Nathan Corrie Profile
Nathan Corrie answered
Basically, it means a wide variety.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means different
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Being fat and the moshi ling to get fifi is 3 magic beans!
You man bye . Willy willy wo.
Katie Profile
Katie answered
Diverse means "many different kinds of"

Many and different;

Distinctly dissimilar or unlike; "diverse parts of the country"; "celebrities as diverse as Bob Hope and Bob Dylan"; "animals as diverse as the jaguar and the cavy and the sloth".


The rainforest is home to diverse animal species. The rainforest is home to animals like the okapi (a forest giraffe with zebra stripes), jaguar (a spotted cat), caiman (miniature crocodiles), toucan (a colorful fruit eating bird), tapir (an animal with the body of a pig and the nose/trunk of an elephant), the bird-eating tarantula (a really, really big spider), flying fox (a fruit eating bat), anaconda (a really really big snake) and the orangutan (a orange-haired monkey).   These animals are diverse when compared to each other because they are all very different from each other.

The best toys, books, and tv shows appeal to girls as well as to boys and youngsters from diverse backgrounds.

The Constitution states that the country is composed of diverse ethnic groups and obliges the Government to recognize, respect, and promote the lifestyles, customs, traditions, forms of social organization, and manner of dress of indigenous people.

A song about the diverse skin colors of mankind:
"Jesus loves the little children. All the little children of the world - red, & yellow, black and white; they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."  

The store sells a wide range of diverse products, including wire rods, steel pipes and castings, motor vehicle components, paint, bicycles, personal computers, fertilizers, shampoo, and cat food.

Jimmy Carter said, "Together with our friends and allies, we are striving to build a world in which peoples with diverse interests can live freely and prosper. "
Tineka Christie Profile
Tineka Christie answered
It means that just because, we look different we can all share the same views.Look for the good in people don't just look at the color of their skin basically, DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER,OPEN IT UP READ IT ,IT MIGHT BE MORE THAN JUST WHAT THE EYES SEE!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Being fat and the moshi ling to get fifi is 3 magic beans!
You man bye . Willy willy wo.

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