What Is It Meant By "Keywords Of Meaning To A Child"?


1 Answers

Charlotte St. Aubyn Profile
Keywords of meaning to a child are all about their language development and social cognition. The foremost place their learning occurs is from their culture and environment or socialisation. Their social cognitive development is a result of the dialectical practice that they receive from a parent, older sibling or teacher.

Dialectical is a philosophical method of argument that takes place between two people holding differing opinions, the dialectic is continued in order to establish the truth of the argument with reasoned arguments and problem solving. With this form of learning, the parent, teacher etc. Would take the ownership of guiding the problem solving and as the child progresses, the ownership transfers onto the child.

Language is the principle form of interaction by which a parent teaches a child about their culture and environment. It is has been researched that the child starts their learning from within the womb listening to the sounds of the mother’s voice, so language is actually cultured without conscious instruction from any tutelage. 

When the child is born the main form of communication will be by crying, smiling and moving their arms and legs around. As the child grows, mimicry is how the language is learnt and early forms of child language are known as babbling. As the child continues to grow, they begin to adapt intellectually and language becomes the primary tool of their growth.

It is important to nurture your child’s language skills; this can be done by reading to them frequently and encouraging them to repeat words and sentences. Visit the library where they can interact with other children within group learning. Songs that name colours and objects with actions are good for association and vocabulary building.

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