
What Does It Mean When It Feels Like You Have Three Testicles?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means you should see a doctor.Increased size can be caused by different reasons.Mumps, Cancer etc. I'm guessing the feeling of a third testicle is actually an inflamed epididymis. However I'm no doctor^^
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means you are the E.T. (Extra Testicle) The only procedure that can cure this is lancing. The 3rd (usually abnormally large) testicle must be punctured and drained. Be careful... If you hit the wrong one, you'll immediately think it was a fatal error.
Willard NOYB Profile
Willard NOYB answered
It probably means someone miscounted and somewhere some poor guy only has one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You're one lucky man.

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