
How Do I Write Peace Love Happiness In Hebrew?


1 Answers

Victoria Picking Profile

The Hebrew language has a different script to English. This means that to write in Hebrew, a whole new type of alphabet has to be learnt.

This is what peace, love and happiness looks like when written in the Hebrew language.

  • Peace: שלום
  • Love: אוהב
  • Happiness: אושר

If you wish to say the words then they are said like this:

  • Peace: Shalom
  • Love: Ahava
  • Happiness: Simkha
However you need to be aware that some Hebrew letters are pronounced very differently to English, so many words are not said as they are written. They even need some sounds to be produced that we do not even use in English.

I have found that these three words in Hebrew are often used as a tattoo.

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