
What Does Fortified Mean On Food Label?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Fortified just means that something has been added to the food, usually because it's supposed to be good for you. It's true this is often done when the processing of the food has removed naturally present nutrients. And sometimes it's done to give a sense of security that you're getting your "12 vitamins and iron" in your cereal, even though the many other nutrients present in less-processed foods are not found in the cereal.

But it's also done for other reasons. For example, soy or rice milks are sometimes fortified with calcium because many people drink them instead of cow's milk, which contains calcium naturally. Since many people don't absorb the calcium in cow's milk very well, this is a case where the fortified food might actually be better for you.
John Profile
John answered
The way it was explained to me is the processed foods have had all their natural vitamins/nutrients removed from then during the making of the food so the food processor/the company that make s the foods puts back in some of the nutrients/vitamins so they can call it fortified.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means strong that's all well maybe like that
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know what it means but can I ask someone I really need to know for a Project? So please tell me - josephina campos
Swarda Padwal Profile
Swarda Padwal answered
The word fortified is a past tense of the verb fortify. Fortify has its origin in the Latin and stems from the word fortis. Fortis means strong. Then, it was taken by the Late Latin as fortificāre. Later, the Old French adapted it as 'fortifier' and the Middle English as fortifien. When someone fortifies something, he strengthens it and protects it with fortifications. A fortified place or thing is made physically strong and its endurance power is increased.

Some of the words that could be used for fortified are: braced, forearmed, girded, ready, steeled, and strengthened. Confirm, harden, beef up, build up, bulwark, buttress, charge up, consolidate, embattle, entrench, garrison, heat up, hot up, jazz up, juice up, prepare prop up, protect, reinforce, secure, step up, support, appoint, array, deck, equalize, furnish, gear, guard, issue, load, load up, mobilize, provide, tote are some other words that are synonymous to fortify.

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