
What Is The Kingdom Protista?


2 Answers

Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
The word protista is defined as the first level in some systems of classification of living organisms. It is basically defined as a kingdom which comprises several species of unicellular organisms, which are both animal-like and plant-like. All these organisms have distinct nuclei. Some species of protista include the eukaryotes, which includes protozoa, algae and certain intermediate forms. Blue-green algae and bacteria are not protista. In other systems of classification, protista includes only the protozoa, namely monera.

In other words, the word protista is defined as the kingdom which includes unicellular eukaryotic organisms and also a few multicellular forms, many of which are responsible for causing diseases in human beings. The organisms in this kingdom have a single cell and a true eukaryotic nucleus. They may be either heterotrophic or autotrophic. Autotrophic organisms are those which are able to make their own food. They may either be motile or sessile.
Haider Imtiaz Profile
Haider Imtiaz answered
The Kingdom Protista consist of a vast assortment of primarily aquatic eukaryotic organisms whose diverse body forms, types of reproduction, modes of nutrition and lifestyles make them difficult to characterize. Basically, this kingdom is defined by exclusion i.e. All members have characteristics that exclude them from the other four kingdoms.    All protests are eukaryotic and have evolved from prokaryotes. Another reason for creating a separate kingdom arises from the difficulty in placing certain eukaryotic organisms in the appropriate kingdom. This difficulty is a consequence of the fact that the other eukaryotic kingdoms plantae, Fungi, and Animalia arose from protests in various ways.    The protests are unicellular, colonial or simple multi cellular organisms that possess a eukaryotic cell organization. Eukaryotic cells, the unifying feature of protests, are common to complex multi-cellular organisms belonging to the three eukaryotic kingdoms (Fungi, Plantae and Animalia) but clearly differentiate protests from members of the prokaryotic kingdom (Monera). Unlike plants and animals, however, protests do not develop from a blastula or an embryo.    The kingdom protista contains four major groups of eukaryotic organisms which are: Single celled protozoa's, unicellular algae, multi cellular algae, slime molds and oomycotes.

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