"Let the buyer beware" is the translation from Latin of "Caveat emptor." "Time is of the essence" is the translation of "Tempus fugit" (the literal translation of "time flies"). Some other translations of common Latin phrases are: -- Carpe diem: "seize the day," or take the opportunity now, or never. -- Deus ex machina: "a god from a machine." This is a theatre or fiction conceit in which a person suddenly appears who offers a contrived solution to a dilemma. -- Ex libris: "from the library of," found on bookplates -- Vox populi: "the voice of the people" -- Dulce et decorum es pro patria mori: "It is sweet and right to die for one's country" -- Veni, vedi, vici: "I came, I saw, I conquered," supposedly uttered by Julius Caesar -- Semper fidelis: "always faithful," the motto of the U.S. Marine Corps -- E pluribus unum: "one out of many." This is the motto of the U.S, and reflects its self-image as a "melting pot" of many cultures. It is on every piece of U.S currency, but few know what it really means. -- In vino veritas: "In wine, there is truth," or don't get snockered at the company Christmas party and tell your supervisor how you REALLY feel about her.