
What Does Revelation Mean?


8 Answers

Amalia Syeda-Aguirre Profile
The dictionary definition of the word 'revelation' is 'the act of revealing or disclosing', or 'something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized'.

When people use the word revelation, they are usually referring to the word with religious connotations. Some religions have texts that they hold to mean that something is divinely revealed or inspired. There are many types of religious revelation. Verbal revelation is the belief that God can communicate in a way that gives direct instruction; the books of Moses are believed by Christians to have been dictated by God using verbal revelation.

Philosophers of the medieval era believed that revelation was the discovery of truths about the universe, and the place of God and man therein. This is known as Aristotelian rationalism. Natural revelation is the belief that God reveals himself, by the fact that he is his own creation, and that by studying nature and physics can learn truths about God.

Some people that believe in God are inspired by his message, rather than a verbal direction, and this is classed as non-verbal propositional. Examples of this include Isaiah, who received messages through visions he experienced, and Micaiah.

Historical faith development is another belief that states that other revelations are impossible and that the will of God is revealed through interaction throughout history. Religious existentialists say that revelation has no connection with religion, and that God actually inspired people with his mere presence and that by coming into contact with people he was able to get responsive action.

The final school of belief is systematic theology, which states that the texts of faith should be taken into account, whilst the subjects of history, philosophy, science and ethics should also be taken into account to give a broader approach on the subject.
Mark Wells Profile
Mark Wells answered
If you are referring to the book of Revelation in the Bible.  It is the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Which means this book reveals who Jesus is and what He is doing and what He is going to do.

The book of Revelation was to reveal future events.
Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
The term revelation basically means finding or disclosing through communication from the heavenly of something which has been partly or completely hidden or unknown.

According to the monotheistic religions, revelation basically is the procedure or method of making divine information acknowledged. Revelation in the circumstances related to religion is that in which God, or some additional mystical being like an angel makes known about divine will, principles, laws as well as doctrines. There are various different ways via which religious thinkers have traditionally addressed this issue, a number of diverse views have been projected. In general, people can find all these viewpoints in the diverse sections of Judaism as well as Christianity.

A few people believe that God is non-anthropomorphic, hence consider that the various ways of revelation are simply impossible and made up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
God spirit
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Something disclosed or revealed. Made evident

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