
What Does Picasso Mean?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Picasso means a great artist
Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
In the field of Art and Paintings the word Picasso generally refers to a painting which was created by the very well renowned painter 'Pablo Picasso'. During art exhibitions people generally refer to the work done by Pablo Picasso, as "a Picasso"

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a very famous Spanish painter and sculptor; he had produced around 13,500 paintings, which also included designs. Picasso had also produced around 100,000 engravings and prints, around 34,000 illustrations for books and around 300 sculptures or ceramics. He was also the co founder of cubism. The work which was done by Pablo Picasso had been divided in to 5 periods, these periods were known as: Blue period, Rose period, African influenced Period, Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. One of his most famous paintings 'Les Noces de Pierrette' was sold for more than 51 million USD in the year 1999.
Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
Picasso is the last name of Pablo Ruiz Picasso. He was a famous painter of the twentieth century. He was a Spaniard. He was born on October 25, 1881. He is the originator of a form of art known as Cubism, which is believed to have originated in the year 1909. He had a profound influence on art. He not only influenced painting, but also other media of expression, such as ceramics, sculptures and graphic arts.

Apart form working in all these art forms, the prolific artist also designed the costumes worn by the performers and the décor for the ballet. He was born in the city of Malaga in the southern part of Spain. His father taught drawing and dabbled in some form of mediocre paintings himself, specialising mainly in animals and still life. Picasso held his first public exhibition when he was 16 years old. He lived in France and died at the age of 91 on April 8, 1973.

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