
What Does Owl Mean?


3 Answers

Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
OWL is an acronym for a variety of things. Some of them are as follows : Web Ontology Language: it is a kind of markup language that is it in incorporates text and extra information about the text using ontologies on the internet.

OWL also stands for Ordinary Wizarding Levels: It is a kind of fictional exams in the Wizarding world of Harry potter which has been written by J.K. Rowling. It is equivalent to the British GSCE exams.

Our Whole Lives: it is a sex education curriculum which has been composed by Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. The main aim of this program is to educate and inform the youth about sex so that they can make proper decisions about their sexuality with complete information.
Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
Owls are primarily nocturnal birds of prey, often solitary they are classified in the order of Strigiformes, this order comprises of more than 200 extant Owl species. Owls mainly feed and hunt on small insects, mammals or other birds. However there are other owl species that specialize in hunting fish.

Owls are found in all of the regions of the Earth, however they are not found in Antarctica, major part of Greenland and in some remote islands of the world.

The current living Owls are divided in to two families, the barn owls 'Tytonidae' and the typical Owls 'Strigidae'.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Owl pertaining to religion relates to Satan.

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