
What Does Oviparous Mean?


1 Answers

Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
Oviparous is the result of birds and reptiles laying eggs from the fertilization of Ovum. The egg is known as the Zygote. It also nourishes and protects the embryo. These animals lay eggs with out any development within the womb of the mother; their entire development is done in the egg. Many fishes, reptiles and amphibians reproduce in this way. All birds, most insects, arachnids and the monotremes also reproduce in this way.

The study of these eggs or the collection of these eggs is known as oology. The eggs of various reptiles, monotremes and birds which are all laid out of water are all surrounded by a shell that protects them, the shell is either flexible or inflexible, and depending on the specie of animal that has laid the egg.

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