What are some names that were normal names in ancient times but funny in modern times? I will give you an example to start Abu Loo Loo From Arabia.


2 Answers

Kristen Storm Profile
Kristen Storm answered

AKHENATEN from Ancient Egypt :)

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RIK RZ commented
Abu Loo Loo killed the person who created Post mail,Police, Offices,stamps and much more!
He did it while he was doing the morning prayer(Islamic prayer) because he would have lost in a real fight against him
Abu Loo Loo was a coward
Kristen Storm
Kristen Storm commented
oh wow that's very interesting
RIK RZ commented
i know right
we cannot do anything mid prayer even if we were burning alive we have to wait till the end of the prayer to do anything
now that's devotion!
Moga Deet Profile
Moga Deet answered

Here's a place name I find really funny:

Mahaboobanagar in India.  Maha means great and nagar means city, so it is the city of the great boobas.

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RIK RZ commented
Thanks that was the funniest name so i will give you more funny names
Flaccus = floppy ears. [feminine form would be Flacca]
Arvina = fat, lard [Commonly used in the Cornelia Clan]
Varro = block head
Bibulus = drunkard [feminine form = Bibula] [Calpurnia Clan]
Aculeo = prickly, unfriendly.
Verres = pig
Brutus = dim or dull witted. [feminine form = Bruta] [Lunia Clan]
Bucco = fool
Rullus = boorish, uncultured. [Servilia Clan]

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