
What Does Shattered Mean?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
The word "shattered" means something that is broken into a number of sharp pieces. It refers to something as being ruined or disrupted. Shattered can also mean devastated and its antonym is pleased and thrilled. "The shattered remains of his life", or "as the cars rammed into each other the glass shattered into a million bits and pieces" are examples of shattered being used in sentences.

Shattered was also the name of a television program based on reality television that was aired in the year 2004 in the United Kingdom on Channel Four. The show was in some ways a voyeuristic study of the effects of lack of sleep on contestants who were required to stay awake in excess of seven days and were monitored constantly. The grand prize was around a hundred thousand pounds.

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