
What Does Sentinel Mean?


1 Answers

Swarda Padwal Profile
Swarda Padwal answered
The word sentinel has its origin in Latin and is taken from the word sentīre which means to feel. Later, it was adapted as sentire (to watch), sentina (vigilance), sentinella, and sentinelle. Sentinel is a guard. Looking for spies; keeping off intruders; prevent trespassing; escorting people; and watching for fires or other emergency situations regarding protection of the people and the premises where they are stationed are some of the duties of a sentinel. For example: a VIP's residence was guarded by many sentinels.

Sentinel is also used a verb. Sentinel means 'to keep vigilance as a guard'. For example: he sentinelled the headquarters of a national bank. It means the worked as a sentinel at a national bank. When someone sentinels for something, he provides sentinels for that thing. If something is sentinelled, it is posted with a guard.

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