
What Does Pandora Mean?


2 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The name Pandora means one who is all gifted. Pandora is the first woman on earth according to Greek mythology. She was created by Hephaestus. He created her out of clay to punish Prometheus and counteract the gift he gave to the mortals. Each of the gods presented Pandora with one virtue. All these virtues were put into a box. Pandora carried this box to Prometheus. To her misfortune, however, Prometheus was blessed with the gift of foresight. He sent Pandora away and changed the gifts into evils in her absence.

When Prometheus' brother Epimetheus saw and married Pandora, he opened the box out of curiosity and let all evils out of the box. All these evils that were released from the box affect humanity even in the modern world. Hephaestus created Pandora after he received instructions from Zeus to create her. He wanted to punish mankind for having stolen the secret of fire.

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