
What Does Misanthropic Mean?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To "Starwin" --you're so wrong it's not even funny. Misanthropes are more like realists, who see humanity for what it is--a self centered species. Everything you said that a Misanthrope is, is what misanthropes actually hate about the human species. Actually, genuine misanthropes keep to themeselves and are kind to everyone around them because they don't want to become the very thing they dislike.
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Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Misanthropic is an adjective form of the noun "misanthrope." It implies the attribute or behaviour of a person who hates humanity. Such a person nurses devious motives to bring the other person down and can even resort to degrade, discriminate, or even destroy other people. The word entered popular English literature in the later half of the 18th century.

Such a person is filled with contempt and scorn for mankind. A misanthropic personality is a cynic with a negative attitude towards his life. He is self-centred and believes that the only way one can reach the top is by bringing the others down. Hatred is the middle name of a person with a misanthropic personality.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Not exactly true, read it on Wikipedia.

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