
What Does Loom Mean?


3 Answers

Emma Midnight Profile
Emma Midnight answered

Looms, are things that help you make rainbow loom bands.

Loom bands are small rubber bands that you can make bracelets out of. A loom helps you make harder bracelets. Look up pictures on it. If you have a loom and rubber bands look up  videos on Youtube on how to make them.

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The word loom is used to define a machine or device which is used to weave thread or yarn into textiles or cloth. Looms can range from very small frames that can be held in the hand and are portable, to large handlooms, which are free standing frames, to huge mechanical devices that are automatic.

To loom is a verb which means to come into view indistinctly, often with a threatening appearance. It also means to appear very large, to occupy a commanding position, to brood or to hang over. It is often used in the context of something or someone who is threatening, dark or menacing in appearance.

LOOM (written in all capitalised letters) is a graphical adventure game. It was originally released in the year 1990. It was published by LucasArts, which was then known as Lucasfilm Games. It was the fourth game in which the SCUMM engine was used.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Looms means go some there

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