
What Does Kiosk Mean?


2 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The word kiosk is defined as an independent stand from which merchandise or goods are sold. It is often placed in the common area of a shopping area. It is usually a small enclosed outlet from which the goods are sold on a retail basis.

It does not have the same facilities as a large-scale retail outlet, such as a supermarket or a departmental store, but it is frequently located in a public concourse or some other place. The kiosk may remain open only during the peak hours and it is closed securely during those times when no customers are likely to visit the kiosk. Kiosks are also sometimes included in a managed shopping scheme.

A kiosk is basically a standalone structure. It is usually set up in a place where a lot of people are likely to visit for the purpose of supplying a product or providing a service. The products that are most likely to be sold in a kiosk are flowers, ice cream or some other edible item.

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