
What Does Hyperplasia Mean?


2 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Hyperplasia refers to an abnormal or irregular enlargement of an organ due to the number of cells in a tissue or organ. The situation could arise due to the natural requirement of the organ tissue, response to chronic inflammation, irregular functioning of the hormones or neoplasia (growth of new tissues in the body)

As mentioned above, sometimes hyperplasia can also be due to a natural demand of the organ tissue. For example, the size of a woman's breast increases in size during the pregnancy and lactation period, when the cells split and increase in order to be prepared for breast-feeding. Hyperplasia can be artificially done when a human growth hormone or IGF-1 is injected into the human body. With the use of IGF, a hyperplasic condition can occur which increases the number of cells in a muscle tissue. Usage of anabolic steroids or synthetic hormones which cause improved protein storage, tissue growth and subsequent muscle strength, are resorted by athletes and weight trainers for quick results in violation of sports rules.
Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Hyperplasia or also known as hypergenesis is basically a general term that is used when there is a supplement in the shape of the cells of an appendage or tissue causing it to boost in dimension. This could occur due t many reasons such as increased demand, chronic inflammatory response, hormonal dysfunctions, or neoplasia. It generally does not cause any kind of harm but it may occur due to a particular tissue. An example of this would be the breast that begins to lactate due to pregnancy. It is during this time that the breast divides and begins to increase in number in order to start the breast feeding process.

Hyperlasia can also be artificially introduced into the human body by injecting hormones such as IGF-1 and human growth hormone.

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