
What Does Hell Mean?


9 Answers

Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The word hell has been taken from the old English word which means a covered place and in popular context the word is being to refer to a place where the sinful people are sent after the death.

During ancient times in Israel, Babylon and Greece people considered that there is a place under the ground where everybody is being sent after the death. But the concept of sending the person as a punishment was not in the picture earlier and it was only in the first millennium BC that this idea has been originated and now it is the only meaning the word conveys.

The word hell plays a part of various idioms and phrases and you can come across the word several times in daily conversation but almost every time the word has the meaning of something bad.
Mainul Hussain Profile
Mainul Hussain answered
It means a place where we face the anger of God. A place of sorrow,pain,wound,agony,tears......and all the Hells !
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hell is a place of eternal punishment of the wicked after death.  In the Bible, it is referred to by many names such as Hades, Sheol, Gehenna, the Lake Of Fire, the Second Death, 'spiritual death', 'eternal fire', 'outer darkness', 'where the worm never dies and the fire never goes out', and 'the place prepared for the Devil and his angels'.  By extension, the word can mean any place or state of suffering.  It is also used by itself or in idioms as a swearword.
thanked the writer.
Ron Day
Ron Day commented
The Bible Hades/Sheol is the oblivious condition of the dead (Ecclesiastes 9:10); the Bible Hades/Sheol is the resulting death condition of the condemnation by means of Adam, into which condition Jesus died to save us from. (Hosea 13:14; Acts 2:31; Romans 5:6,12-19; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 21,22) The Bible Hades/Sheol is NOT the lake of fire, since Hades and its death condition are thrown into the lake of fire, representing a different death. Revelation 20:14.
elisabeth ??????? Profile
A place were people exist burning with fire.
Black Sparrow Profile
Black Sparrow answered
Theres the mortal realm, where animals, humans exist. Then there's heaven, where god angel stands. The last and not least is Hell, where the Devil, and condemned soul eternally suffer for the sins they committed in their life time. And no, I'm not a Christian.
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
It's an old Norse word, but it doesn't really exist, so not to worry!
yvette Jones Profile
yvette Jones answered
Hell exists just like you and I exist. Jesus said tell my people the hell is real. It is an actual place reserved in the middle of the earth with different caves, cells, lakes of fire, etc. You will feel it when your down there and you will remember your loved ones and you will remember how you mocked Jesus and told him things like Yeah I'll accept you as Lord and Savior later okay... But Jesus says to those that are in hell now screaming, we will change, we're sorry...he says, "the judgment has been set". I tried to tell you many times that this was a real place and you wouldn't listen.
Please watch David Wiese's 23 minutes in hell. It is his real account of what happened to him. Accept Jesus Christ. Don't play around with your salvation.

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