
What Does Empatly Mean And How You Display Empathy Towards A Person With Grief And Loss?


4 Answers

Elaine Vellianitis Profile
It means understanding another persons emotions or feelings.  There really is not a lot you can do, when a person is grieving from a loss. Just be supportive and make sure they know you are there for them at any time, if they need to talk. 
Judith (Irish Faerie Blessings) Kreindel Profile
"Empathy" is being able to feel the emotions of others based on a
common understanding. For example, two people who have each lost a
spouse, can feel empathy for each other because each understands what
that is like. Conversely, "sympathy" means that you can commiserate
with a person, even though you don't personally know what it is like to
go through a certain situation. I can feel sympathy for those who
suffered the effects of the 2004 tsunami, but not exactly empathy as
I've never lived through that.

Even if you cannot provide empathy, you can provide sympathy by understanding a fellow human being is grieving. Just express that your thoughts are with them during their difficult time.
tinga nih Profile
tinga nih answered
Empathy is showing that you understand, aware of the death.. But not showing too much emotion.. Like crying toward the person who had loss someone.. You simply say your condolences and show that you care.. But not to the point that you go crying out.. =)
larsari costello Profile
It means you understand that persons feelings and you know what they are going through because you have went threw it.

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