
What Does Holocaust Mean?


8 Answers

Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
Holocaust is a term that refers to an act of destruction. It means complete devastation, usually by fire. This word has Greek origin from the words "holos" (completely) and "kaustos" (burned sacrificial offering) in the initial times but later on by 17th century, holocaust was associated with slaughter or annihilation. Today it is a term that is used to indicate the genocide against Jews in Europe by Hitler and his Nazi followers. It happened during the late 1930's and early 1940's and nearly six million Jewish men, women and children lost their lives in the Nazi concentration camp.

Thus today this word is almost synonymous with the Nazi extermination programme and Hitler's cruelty. Jews weren't the only people at the receiving end of Hitler's wrath and hatred. It also extended to Roma (aka Gypsies), Russians, Poles, other Slavs, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. totaling ten to fourteen million humans. Their ethnicity, political ideologies, culture, sexual orientation, handicaps etc were the reason for putting them to death. Holocaust is also known as Shoah in Hebrew.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire.
A. Holocaust The genocide of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II: "Israel emerged from the Holocaust and is defined in relation to that catastrophe" Emanuel Litvinoff.
B. A massive slaughter: "an important document in the so-far sketchy annals of the Cambodian holocaust" Rod Nord land.
3. A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means to be burned. This is what we did to the Germans and Japanese. We firebombed their cities and this was the only holocaust that was ever committed.
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
It means sacrifice, offering or burnt offering.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is a Greek word. Holos means whole and kaustus is burnt. So all together it would be the sacrafice by fire.
yvette Jones Profile
yvette Jones answered
The first holocaust happened to the Africans on Shark Island in Namibia. Hitlers army went there first to take the land away from the benin tribe. They were all massacred in different ways; Some were experimented on. Arms, legs and heads were cut off especially children and placed on a platter with a metal neck brace for studying. Some of the tribe were pushed into a corner and shot. Some were injected with diseases just to see what would happen. Many have forgotten about this and it is never spoken of. Never forget they say, but they have forgotten about us. I have nothing against the Jew. I have lived beside them. Talked to them, prayed with them, went to church with some who were catholic. I always protect them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Jews being killed by the Nazi Government, they were sent to death camps which meant they were gassed and killed. All because Hitler did not like the Jews. Germany was defeated in the end, and V.E-Victory England became.

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