
What Does Flaming Mean?


8 Answers

Louise Gorman Profile
Louise Gorman answered
A flame is a negative review which is given to a particular fanfiction story. Flames are not the same as constructive criticism. Constructive critism is where reviewers try to help the writer improve their stories by giving them tips on grammar, punctuation, characterisation and plot. Flames are offensive, containing insults either about the story or the author.

Reviewers who 'flame' a fanfiction author's work usually remain anonymous. In other words, they don't bother to sign in to their acount (or they may not have one) and they simply leave unpleasant comments, leaving the author with no idea as to who has 'flamed' them.

Some authors request for reviewers not to leave flames, but instead to leave constructive criticism, so that they can be told how to improve their writing. Other authors, however, may welcome flames, as they like the confrontation.

Flames usually lead to heated discussions in the review sections on fan fiction sites, and can even get out of control so that some reviewers are blocked.

Flames can also be given to fan art, with reviewers leaving low ratings combined with offensive comments, and can even lead to negative multiple postings, which is usually done to annoy the artist.
Shezan Shaikh Profile
Shezan Shaikh answered
The act of posting or sending messages that are insulting and purposely hostile is known as Flaming. This is done via the internet generally on a discussion on message boards or public forums or public newsgroup. These kinds of messages are called flames, these flames are often replies to flame bait. Flaming or posting revolting messages on the internet comes under the Usenet hierarchies.

The term flaming my also refer to long, intensive arguments. It can also refer to heated discussions without the intervention of insults. Flaming over the internet is a common thing, it is noted that users flame each other over the internet rather than the real world, as in reality it may also lead to physical fights. This can be avoided over the internet as the users involved in the argument remain anonymous.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not really answering this but thank you, I needed to define whether someone was flaming me or CCing me. Although one of all three has an actual account, and has wrote stories, so I feel a bit more respect to them, but still, the stuff they said hurts, and the best way to deal with it is blocking them
Calla Profile
Calla answered
A flame is a negative review, as Louise_ gorman said, but it is more than that. A flame is a negative review with absolutely no CC, or constructive criticism in it. For instance, "Your grammar and spelling are terrible!" is a bad review, while "This stinks!" is a flame.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In other words it means to f*** or f***ing, it'll make sense

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