
What Does Exodus Mean?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
From a biblical perspective, it means to leave or to depart from.
d ds Profile
d ds answered
Exodus means a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment.
Exodus is also the second book of the Old Testament which tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses.
God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus.
Exodus is also a 1958 novel by Leon Uris and a 1960 film by Otto Preminger based on the novel by Leon Uris.
Also Visit Exodus Word Usage Examples and Its Synonyms.
Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Exodus implies journey or departure of a large group of people from a particular place or nation. Usually an exodus is done as a move for escape from a hostile setting or situation.

Exodus is the second book of the Old Testament in Bible. The chapter refers to the exodus or departure of the Israelis from the slavery of Egypt under the tutelage of Moses in the 13th century BC. Exodus begins with the story of the slavery of the Israelites in the hands of Egypt and God's command to Moses to become a prophet. The exodus from Egypt is made possible by the ten plagues of Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea. The book tells about the 40 years of journey in the Sinai desert and how God established the covenant with the Israelites, promising to be the protector of Israel. The book of Exodus talks about how Moses led the Israelites through the Sinai desert into the Promised Land of Cannnan. The Mosaic Law including the Ten Commandments is given in the book of Exodus. Incidentally, Operation Exodus was the name of the operation commenced on May 1945 to rescue the European POWs (prisoner of war) and bring them back to Britain in the Second World War.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Travel from place to place
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am not sure if it has a specific Hebrew name, but I do know that it is a book of the Bible. It is in the Old Testament, and the second book of the Bible.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I can only add this..the Exodus of the Children of Israel is soon, but certainly not over..Remember the Bible, in a large part make references to places and things, phonetically additional it is a script for a "DREAM TIME" experience that become real in time pst and times present (details are prophetic and historical) For the first time we are in Christendom... As a World. For the australian aborigines, for example, they draw or carry on the dream for the Promised Land on the ground, as they travel they make signs on the earth and the spirits shape the stones..some like the Zulu dance it.. Some build in Israel. In the so called West we print it in our stories of hope, the evolution of technology...the works of art. We are now on the final leg of the Exodus of God's people..Israel is wise and Jacob has sealed the sacrifice.. The Saints are in the "vineyard" ,so to speak, and the FINAL RAPTURE/Resurrections of hope and Covenant is calling in the land off Canaan....Where all is possible with the will of The Lord God the Creator and FATHER and the application of the mind and hands to work with its tithes.turn the Bend United States and look at your Heritage..of the world...for the world.

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