
What Does Courage Mean?


10 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Courage is an admirable quality in a person to be strong mentally and physically against all odds. A person who has a lot of self-esteem, perseverance, will-power and self-confidence in him or her is said to be courageous. The popular synonyms for courage are bravery, resolute, spirited, valiant, gutsy, fortitude, dauntless, strong-willed etc.

Courage can be divided into physical courage (bravery) and moral courage. A brave soldier who is determined to fight his foes for the sake of his motherland is an example of physical courage. An act of moral courage is to stand up for one's convictions irrespective of any obstacle. For example, Mahatma Gandhi believed in the congruence of his beliefs and was courageous enough to use non-violent means of struggle to free his country.
Ashley Foster Profile
Ashley Foster answered
It means doing what YOU think is right- no matter what anyone else says and no matter how scared you are of getting hurt or in trouble for doing it.

It is a wonderful word and often used when speaking of soldiers.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Courage means to have strength in mind to carry on in spite of danger or difficulty
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
It is the ability to face pain, difficulty, danger and fear with a mind set that is not intimidated or compromised.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think courage means to press on through all the challenges life throws at you with strength and your and your head held high, to stand up for what you believe in!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that fear must come before courage. For example, at one of my first swim meets I was afraid when I first walked in. Let me explain what it looked like.  The ceiling above the pool had to have been at least 45 feet high.  So I suppose you can imagine my thoughts as I walked in.  But once I got up onto the diving block, I had a sudden sense of courage.  I felt like “hey, I can do this.”  
I feel that after having felt courage while doing something, you tend to get braver or bolder about that thing. In my personal experience, this has happened to me. Last year I found the courage to ask a girl that I liked out to a dance. She turned me down, but this year I was bold enough to ask her again. It was a nice surprise then when she asked me instead.
I think that courage can be expressed in many different ways. In my swimming example, I expressed courage in a physical form. In my dance example it was a mental state of courage that I had to form.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means a person being brave,confident about him/herself.

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