
What Does Catty Mean?


1 Answers

Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
Catty basically is the English word for customary Chinese measurement of weight known as jin in Madarin Chinese used widely across East Asia. It is usually found in wet markets as well as in supermarkets across Taiwan and Honk Kong.

The term initially originated from Malaya where it is equal to 604.79 grams. It is also used in other places like Taiwan where it is equal to 600 grams, Honk Kong it is equal to 604.79 grams, Thailand it is equal to 600 grams and in China it is equal to 500 grams.

In Japan it is known as Kin, where as in Minnan it is known as kin or kun and in Malay is known as Kati. The unit is also spelled in a variety of others ways like Caddy or Kati.

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