
What Does Azariah Mean?


2 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
The word Azariah has a Hebrew origin. It means "aided by God". In fact in the Bible, there are 28 characters which go by the name Azariah. Some of the characters were the chief officer under King Solomon, High priest under Hezekiah, Interpreter of the law, and one of the three young men listed in the book of Daniel who were sent into the fiery furnace by the king Nebuchadnezzar.

The name was at one point of time, quite common in ancient Israel. Names like Azuria, Azria, Ezra and Azrael are other variant forms of the name Azariah. The name is rarely used as a first name or a surname in present times. There is no mention of the name being ranked in the US census of 1990.

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