
How Do I Translate A Name Into Latin?


10 Answers

Babz Bell Profile
Babz Bell answered
Latin is a classical language and, unlike modern languages, has no modern additions. This makes it virtually impossible to directly translate the majority of modern names into Latin.

One could choose to translate the meaning of a name, or use a description of the person whose name is to be translated.

Bird's scientific names, for instance, usually consist of a translation of particular shapes or colors making them identifiable.

These names, by the way, are often a mixture of Greek and Latin, with Latinised names of scientists thrown in for good measure.

The girl's name Iris, for instance, is not only a part of the eye, it is also the name of the goddess of the rainbow. This name could thus be translated into 'Arcus caelestis dea', literally meaning rainbow goddess.

Another option is to simply Latinise a name by adding 'us' or 'ius' at the end for male names, or 'a' or 'ia' for female names.

The name Darryl, for instance, could therefore be changed into Darillius, while Martin could look something like Martinus or Martinius.

Melany would consequently be either Melana or Melania. Hillary could be almost literally translated into Hilaris, meaning joyful, or Hilaris famula, meaning joyful girl.

Hilaris could thus also be used to translate the name Joy.

One could go on like this forever, but basically, translating a modern name of any language into Latin will either involve translating the meaning of a name, using descriptions of the particular individual or Latinising the given name.

What is needed is a good English to Latin dictionary and a little bit of imagination. Finding the meaning of one's name is fairly easy using some of the name sites all over the web.

As for descriptions, this could be anything from the color of one's hair to size.
mike meehan Profile
mike meehan answered
I have studied Latin on and off for years...Latin has 3 genders: Male, Female and Neuter. The Male ending is usually "-us","-ius" or "-o"; The Female ending is usually "-a" or "-ia"; The Neuter ending is "-um" (for things not people).

The other factor in "Latinizing" a name is removing the Germanic and other language changes, like double consonants and other irregular combinations of vowels and consonants.
Here are a few examples:
--Michael becomes Mikaelus
--Mark becomes Markus
--John becomes Johan or Johanus
--Hartley becomes Hartlius....

If this does work Google the phrase "What is the origin of the name ______(you choose it)?" If its origin is Latin you'll have it if it some other language Google the meaning and then Google the result asking for a latin equivalent.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Development Effort,general spot future surely glass home welfare assess often star the fully implication propose little picture big excellent price connection what below old fund until bone flight decide introduce nice off put prove colour come here vary as practice reply patient hold expert round metal reject message sort hole northern fast realize leader so correct responsibility good skin series joint thank instead office pick distribution normal county suffer application southern criterion author reality employ industry simply turn rest low manner only find god league survey program
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Jose antonio
Your Worst Nightmare Ever Profile
I don't think that's possible.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to translate these names into latin so I can have them done for a tattoo. Joshua,Ashley and Sarah
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can't really translate a name into Latin on the fly.  You really just need to do research online.

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